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Movie Reviews

This category contains 12 posts

Movie Review: Documental “Pinochet” gana premio en los EE.UU. – La Segunda

Una película documental que resalta la figura de Augusto Pinochet, realizado bajo el alero de la Unión de Oficiales en Retiro de la Defensa Nacional (Unofar) y la “Corporación 11 de Septiembre”, obtuvo el premio “Hispania de Oro” en el Festival Internacional del Gran Cine Hispanoamericano (FIGCH), que se desarrolló el pasado fin de semana.

Movie Review: The Iron Lady – by John Blundell

Why it took National Lottery funds to make this movie and what Americans make of the opening credit are questions I cannot answer. And this is a very hard movie to review by somebody such as myself who has known Lady T so long (since 1972 so 40 years) and was a free-marketeer well before she got into her full stride. The verdict: this movie enhances her reputation and educates a new generation in what a fantastic individual she was.

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