Una película documental que resalta la figura de Augusto Pinochet, realizado bajo el alero de la Unión de Oficiales en Retiro de la Defensa Nacional (Unofar) y la “Corporación 11 de Septiembre”, obtuvo el premio “Hispania de Oro” en el Festival Internacional del Gran Cine Hispanoamericano (FIGCH), que se desarrolló el pasado fin de semana.
Why it took National Lottery funds to make this movie and what Americans make of the opening credit are questions I cannot answer. And this is a very hard movie to review by somebody such as myself who has known Lady T so long (since 1972 so 40 years) and was a free-marketeer well before she got into her full stride. The verdict: this movie enhances her reputation and educates a new generation in what a fantastic individual she was.